Bixby is Samsung's intelligent amanuensis (IA). You lot tin can see the Bixby icon hither. When you lot accept the camera app on your Samsung Milky way S9 open, yous can tap the icon to launch Bixby Vision.


Bixby Vision can then tell you information about what the camera is pointed at:

  • If it's an object, Bixby Vision tin tell you what the object is and how much you tin purchase it for online.
  • If it's a barcode or QR code, Bixby Vision can tell you what the lawmaking means.
  • If it'due south text, Bixby Vision can read it and convert it to text. Y'all tin can then interpret that text into any of 108 languages.
  • If it's a landmark, Bixby Vision can tell you where it'southward located.
  • If it's a wine label, Bixby Vision can tell you lot the ranking of the wine and what food pairs well with it.
How Bixby Vision works is simple. Yous open up the camera awarding and point the camera so that it has a practiced view of the object, document, barcode, text, or wine label (see the post-obit figure).

galaxys9-bixby-vision A typical paradigm from the Viewfinder earlier and later on tapping Bixby Vision.

When you tap the Bixby icon on the viewfinder, your phone starts trying to figure out what you want. In the effigy, it sees an apple and so asks y'all whether yous want information technology to search this object as an image to observe out what information technology is or whether you're interested in shopping for this particular. Allow's say that y'all want to buy an apple. Tap the Shopping icon. The results are shown here.

galaxys9-bixby-shopping Shopping options presented based on the preceding figure.

So, I actually wanted to become prices on fresh love well-baked apples from the state of Washington. The peak choice was a book on nutrition (pay attention, Bixby Labs!). The second guess was Winesap apples, which is a nice selection. The volume on apples in Iran or winter squash are non as squeamish.

The point is that Bixby Vision does its best to translate what y'all desire. Yous come across that it presents ii icons: one to place the object and the other giving you shopping alternatives. Currently, there are half-dozen options for icons.

galaxys9-bixby-vision-icons Bixby Vision icons that may pop up.

Bixby will present one or more than of these icons based on what information technology thinks is in the image and what you want. Not only is this fun, but you might relieve some money when you're shopping!

About This Article

This commodity is from the book:

  • Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies ,

Near the book author:

Bill Hughes is a veteran marketing strategy executive who has worked for Xerox, Microsoft, IBM, General Electric, Motorola, and United states Due west Cellular. He has led initiatives to develop new products and solutions and has written articles for several wireless industry merchandise magazines, equally well as for U.s.a. Today and Forbes.

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  • Samsung Galaxy ,